TOP 25 Waiting Rooms which cause Anxiety
Yesterday I waited for 1-1/2 hours to spend 2 minutes renewing my driver's license. I didn't count ceiling tiles but watched the TV monitor for each number in line. There were about three F numbers (firsty time?) to the R numbers and a couple of A numbers. The first one I saw was R-343. my number was R-363. I could tell it would be a long wait. Then I looked around at the people who were there. There were moms with babies in car seats, and little kids by their moms, and dads who might have been sitting in an employment office. There was one well-dress man wearing a golf shirt. Most of the people looked i n a hurry and some were studiiously studying the driver's manual with portions underlined. No open books were allowed beyond a point leading to the testing area. I was glad I didn't have to do that again. Next, I started watching shoes. It seemed like most of the moms and most of the kids and even a few men wore flip flops today. i didn't think the day was THAT hot!
So, then I made a list of other places wait that cause anxiety or at least impatience. HERE'S MY LIST:
1. Driver's license office
2. Hospital Emergency room
3. Bank home loan department
4. Dentist office
5. Doctor's office
6. Sheriff's office/Police department
7. Outside a store selling new I-pads (or I-pods)
8. Movie theater showing the next sequel to Harry Potter
9. Pawn Shop/Payday loans
10. Divorce Court
11. Bankruptcy Court
12. Child Services department
13. The Dean's office
14. Your own car when stopped by a traffic cop
15. Employment office
16. Long line at the Post Office
17. First time at an AA or NA Meeting
18. On the phone while reporting lost or stolen credit cards
19. Auditioning to sing or act
20. Funeral Home director's office.
21. Waiting for an I.R.S. Audit
22. Applying for Social Security or Disability
23. Waiting to find out what you bill will l be at the auto repair shop
24. Waiting for a Pharmacist to fill your prescription
25. Waiting behind five full baskets in line at a checkstand.
There seems to be a common thread here. A - many are run by a government agency or hold some power over you, and B - Almost all will cost money. C - Most will cause a permanent change in your life! Whatever society can do to ease tensions should be considered to make the world a nicer place to live.
What are the top 5 on your list? I'll talley them up and report.
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